For media inquiries, please contact Stephanie Garry Garfunkel, VP Strategic Communications, The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida at 904.356.4483 or SGarfunkel@jaxcf.org. To learn more about WGA, please visit our Publications page or visit us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn
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The Women’s Giving Alliance, an initiative of The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, is a dynamic group of diverse women who pool their philanthropic giving to make a lasting impact on the lives of women and girls in Northeast Florida. Since 2001, hundreds of women in Northeast Florida have become WGA members, making an annual contribution of $1,500 each. Through those contributions, WGA has awarded grants totaling more than $9.6 million to 74 nonprofit organizations. It also has built an endowment of $5.9 million to ensure the future of its philanthropic work. For more information: www.wganefl.org.
Rena Coughlin, CEO, Nonprofit Center of Northeast Florida, The Times-Union
The annual meeting of the Women’s Giving Alliance (WGA) was held on Oct. 18, 2023, at the Adam W. Herbert University Center at University of North Florida. Collective Giving was the key focus of the day as WGA President Sheila Collier welcomed 220 women from its membership, which recently saw a 39% growth to 470.
The annual meeting of the Women’s Giving Alliance (WGA) was held on Oct. 18, 2023, at the Adam W. Herbert University Center at University of North Florida. Collective Giving was the key focus of the day as WGA President Sheila Collier welcomed 220 women from its membership, which recently saw a 39% growth to 470.
Grant applications are now open for two opportunities for funding through the Women’s Giving Alliance.