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Neighborhood Connector Groups grew out of Members’ interest in getting to know one another in small, close-to-home settings.

Activities depend on the interests and ideas of the Members in each area and include periodic informal gatherings, usually twice a year. Sometimes they are in the early evening, and sometimes mid-day or another time. The locale can be a member’s home, a local restaurant or a nearby nonprofit agency. Although local in focus, all WGA Members are welcome and encouraged to attend any Connector Group event — and to bring a friend!

WGA connectors

Find Your WGA Connector Group

It’s easy to link up with WGA Members in your neighborhood and other areas in Northeast Florida. Just find your zip code/Connector Group and join us! You’re free to participate with the Connector Group for your zip code, or mingle with all of them!

How Connectors Work

WGA has seven Neighborhood Connector Groups automatically assigned by zip code. For communications purposes, Members are usually affiliated with a primary Connector Group. If the automatic zip code-driven Connector is not your preference, please contact Nikki Sabol, WGA Director, at 904.356.4483 or to change your primary Connector group.

Each Neighborhood Connector Group is led by one or more “Connectors,” who are your go-to resource for all things WGA. Connectors coordinate two or more neighborhood events each year – usually one in the early spring and another in the fall. Connectors also send out event reminders, organize carpools and gather Member feedback as requested.

For contact information for your Connector Chair and for a list of other Members in your Connector Group, please log in to the Member Portal. Not yet a member? Contact Nikki Sabol, WGA Director, at 904.356.4483 or to get in touch with the Connector in your neighborhood.

Join Us at a Neighborhood Connector Event

All Members are welcome and encouraged to attend any Connector event – and to bring a friend! Just RSVP through the event registration to help our hostesses with planning. See you there!