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Membership FAQs

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The FAQs below are about membership. To see a list of all of our FAQs, click here.

No problem! You are welcome to attend our events and donate to our grants pool. Your impact can get started today, even if you’re not quite ready to join as a member.

Absolutely. We receive donations every year from women who are not yet ready for membership, or who may be temporarily experiencing budget pressures. We also receive many donations from friends of WGA who are NOT members, but still support our objectives and approach. This includes individuals and couples, foundations, family trusts, corporations, and various organizations. You can specify if you’d like your donation to go to the Grants Pool or to special projects. Learn more.

Yes! The majority of WGA events are open to the public, so you can attend and learn more about issues impacting women and girls in our community. You may also make a contribution to our Grants Pool to support grantees, even if you are not a member. You’d just need to be a Member to serve on committees, vote in elections or ratify the grants.

Absolutely. Simply indicate the amount of your contribution and then check the “matching gift” box at the bottom of the join/renew form.

Yes, you may use securities to pay for your WGA membership or to make a donation. Just call or email Nikki Sabol, Women’s Giving Alliance Director, at 904.356.4483 or, to let her know what securities to expect, and how you’d like them applied.

Certainly! We welcome all contributions from Members and the community. Some wish to give extra donations to our Grants Pool, endowment fund or strategic WGA initiatives. You can also make a donation in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones. A donation to WGA is a great birthday gift or Mother’s Day tribute as well! Learn more.

We welcome new or returning members all year round. However, we recommend you keep April 15th in mind. This is the deadline for your donation to count towards the current year Grants Pool. It’s also the date we finalize the member list for the year. All contributions made after April 15th go towards next year’s Grants Pool.

Join us for a Connector event or any of our educational programs. We welcome all women to all our events. View upcoming events.

Apply for grants

Grant applications are now open for two opportunities for funding through the Women’s Giving Alliance.