What We Do
An advocate is a person or organization which actively supports a specific position.
WGA uses research, grantmaking, education and advocacy to create change. We lift our voices each time we select a focus area, support nonprofit organizations or champion better conditions, policies or procedures. As an organization, WGA explores ways to influence public policy through non-partisan activities.
Over the years, our primary method of advocating for women and girls has been grantmaking. From time to time, legislative issues arise which are relevant to our work in a current or past focus area, such as mental health or poverty. WGA is able to step forward with an advocacy position that supports the issues in the focus area. Once WGA establishes a viewpoint, our advocacy leadership educates interested WGA Members, and then encourages others to support our position. Some years, we travel to Tallahassee during the legislative session in order to underscore our stated position and make a personal case for the issue at hand.
Each year we tackle a variety of issues based on need, legislative priorities and issues that are brought to our attention. Recent areas of focus have included affordable housing, child care, mental health services, ending child marriage in Florida and sex trafficking and its impact on Northeast Florida. To learn more about our current legislative priorities, contact WGA Director, Nikki Sabol, nsabol@jaxcf.org.
WGA takes a multipronged approach to extend its impact through non-partisan activities to influence public policy aligned with WGA’s mission, as well as current and past WGA grants. The Education Committee and WGA Leadership work in concert to:
Grant applications are now open for two opportunities for funding through the Women’s Giving Alliance.